Taking Care of Your Team — How does the TCFS Practice Self Care?

Jane Finette
2 min readJul 1, 2021


TCFS Team — June 30 2021

This is our incredible #heroine team at TCFS. We are a deeply connected team who gets a lot done for our size and the number of hours in the day! As the burnout epidemic continues, we have some shares we practice as a team to stay connected and accountable to #selfcare while being efficient and still have fun!

1. #zoomfreefridays — solid time to catch up and have a break from being ‘on’

2. Sustainable Productivity — every few weeks or every week if needed take time to check-in on what we are doing to take care of ourselves and our family

3. Allowing the team to shift their working hours to best support their wellbeing and family + pets

4. Regular photo sharing of our walks in nature, our pets, and kids. It helps us feel connected and brightens our day.

5. This July 4th weekend — we are taking 5 days off July 1–6 for a reset.

New ideas we are starting next week:

#heartbeat check-ins — a one minute how are you doing moment to share what’s here for each person. As our team grows we still want to check in, but need to balance connecting and organization needs.

#meditation — 5 minute meditation at the start of our weekly whole team meeting to get grounded and present.

We realize these are not magic fixes. Burnout takes months of care, self-work, breaks and often new ways of doing things.

Today, if nothing else, take a moment to take care of you and ask a work colleague how goes it too. When we bring wellbeing into our daily work, everyone and everything will be better.



Jane Finette

Accelerating social change through conscious leadership to solve the world’s greatest challenges. Founder @CoachFellowship, Office of the Chair @Mozilla