Being Seen

Jane Finette
1 min readOct 12, 2017

One of the most wonderful things you can do for a person is to truly see them. We are rarely witnessed, and even when we are — we are rarely acknowledged.

It’s easy to miss the human being as we go about our busy lives at work, at the supermarket and even sometimes even same house we live in. My belief and experience shows me — we are yearning to be truly seen. That means another has noticed the uniqueness we bring to this life, they are grateful for what that means, and they are wanting more.

Here are three powerful statements which were shared with me recently as part of the CTI trainings:

“What I am longing for you is… ”

“What’s next for you is… ”

“My vision for you is… ”

Try speaking these statement to someone you noticed, and watch their reaction of being seen by you. Keep your words short, it will land deeper. Also try answering the questions for yourself, at times we forget to see ourselves too.

For those who like a challenge: try those statements out with people you’ve only just met. You’ll be surprised by how much you already know, and how much you want for that person.



Jane Finette

Accelerating social change through conscious leadership to solve the world’s greatest challenges. Founder @CoachFellowship, Office of the Chair @Mozilla